Category: notities, tips, ideeën etc.

  • tip: AVRdude on mac – using built-in from arduino

    tip: AVRdude on mac – using built-in from arduino

    More of a note to self*, since installing avrdude resulted in an avrdude without USB support. While Arduino also uses avrdude “under the hood”, but has USB support. And it would be nice if Arduino’ s avrdude can be used stand-alone, and it can: “/Applications/ -C/Applications/ -v -patmega328p -cusbasp -Pusb -e -Ulock:w:0x3F:m -Uefuse:w:0xFD:m -Uhfuse:w:0xDA:m -Ulfuse:w:0xFF:m…

  • Real Time Clock modification

    Real Time Clock modification

    I bought one of those Real Time Clock modules: I noticed it has a diode and resistor to charge the battery on the back. But I plan on using a non-rechargable CR2032 cell. So these had to be removed: I also removed the power LED, since I plan on using it in an alarm clock…

  • RFID Deel 2 (Of: enkele losse eindjes)

    RFID Deel 2 (Of: enkele losse eindjes)

    In aanvulling op Opgelost: RC522 RFID lezer leest (sommige) kaarten niet. (Deel 1): Eigenlijk heb ik een groot deel van wat ik van plan was in deel 2 te schrijven, toch al in deel 1 verwerkt. Er zijn echter een paar “losse eindjes”. Van de blauwe kaartlezers uit deel 1 bestaan vele varianten (ook in…

  • Fixed: RC522 RFID reader not reading (some) cards (Part 1)

    Fixed: RC522 RFID reader not reading (some) cards (Part 1)

    Some of the RC-522 RFID card reader modules that can be bought on ebay / aliexpress have a problem: they do not read all (types of) cards they should be able to read. In this blog post I want to explain how to recognize these faulty readers and how to fix them. (There is a…

  • Opgelost: RC522 RFID lezer leest (sommige) kaarten niet. (Deel 1)

    Opgelost: RC522 RFID lezer leest (sommige) kaarten niet. (Deel 1)

    Ik heb recent een probleem ontdekt met de RC522 rfid kaartlezer modules die men op ebay / aliexpres en dergelijk kan kopen: ze lezen sommige kaarten niet. In deze blogpost wil ik uitleggen wat het probleem is, en hoe het opgelost kan worden, in de hoop dat mensen die hetzelfde probleem tegenkomen daar wat aan…

  • How to enable Motion Detection Interrupt on MPU6050.

    The MPU6050 data sheet has a nice “marketing” section, claiming it has a DMP unit, and a couple of useful interrupts, among them a accelerometer event interrupt. However, how to actually use these features is not documented there. And I want to use the Motion Detection Interrupt (so I can put the host MCU to…

  • Some short notes on the Lecroy9450 repair project

    Because there is no big news yet, some short updates. – Claude Schwarz pointed me to the Yahoo user group “Lecroy Owners group”, they have design files for a HHZ406 replacement. (Made by Dieter Frieauff). So maybe the ext. trigger input can be repaired as well. – A service manual for this ‘scope (And others)…

  • Quick and dirty Arduino optical mouse sensor experiment (a2620 chip)

    I wanted to experiment with a optical mouse sensor, did a websearch, found this blogpost, and adapted the code for my A2620 mouse sensor.  As it might be useful to others,  below is my Arduino sketch and the processing sketch. Use the processing sketch to view the image from the sensor, or use a terminal…

  • Hotglue reflow

    Dit is hoe ik m’n iPAQ (h2200, h2210) z’n batterijklepje heb gerepareerd, met smeltlijm. Om de een of andere reden plakt hotglue beter met een dun laagje tussen de te verbinden delen, ipv een dikke laag. Door met m’n heteluchtsoldeerstation de hotglue (en de te verbinden delen) warm te maken kon ik er zo’n dun…